About the association
The association consists of five vineyards, covering over a thousand hectares of vineyards with a history of grape cultivation dating back 2000 years, with the Serbian capital in its centre. In essence, this is what makes the Association of Wine and Grape Producers with the Protected Geographical Origin “BELGRADE.”
Our association has been officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia as the sole guardian of the geographical origin and quality mark of wines in the Belgrade vineyard region.
Bordered by the Danube on one side and leaning on the slopes of Avala and Kosmaj, each of the five vineyards in the Belgrade region produces premium wines. This is the result of a perfect blend of the perseverance and knowledge of winemakers and a unique terroir: the characteristics of the soil, microclimate, and grape varieties, which include those developed in our vineyards many centuries ago.
The association brings together over thirty members, both vine growers and wineries. Some of these wineries are well-known, having received gold medals at the most prestigious international events, while others are still young and unestablished. Nevertheless, they all share a common dedication and commitment to meeting the highest quality standards in production, both in terms of grapes and wine.
Enjoy our wine journey and have unforgettable experiences by visiting our wineries.
We meet twice a month to discuss current topics and solve problems together if there are any. We learn from guest lecturers and through visits to sister associations from European countries with a long tradition of controlling geographical origin.
We propose changes to the regulations through close cooperation with the competent ministry and other associations for the protection of geographical origin from all over Serbia. We jointly acquire expensive equipment that is rarely used, and is essential for the quality of production.
We transfer knowledge and provide services to members to improve their oenological practice. Through analyzes in our own laboratories and mutual visits, we ensure respect for the quality of all members and uniformity of production.