Janko is one of the oldest and most respected wineries in Serbia, and it comes from the Smederevo vineyard. It is known for returning Smederevka to the ranks of quality wines. It is also known for the Cyrillic labels and the use of Serbian oak barrels from around Majdanpek.
The winery was founded in 2006. At that time, the future of Serbian winemaking was only just beginning to emerge. We made a strong effort to secure our place in the sun and position ourselves as a wine stronghold in the region. It could be said that this region encompasses everything one can see from the highest point in Smederevo and beyond.
The vision might not have materialized if it weren't for our organized hard work, the implementation of our love, and tireless efforts. The next year (2007) marked our first harvest from our vineyards when our first wines came onto the wine scene. It was Smederevka (2006) and Zapis Beli, also from 2006.

hectares under vineyards
Rudnička 8, Smederevo
11300 Smederevo
+381 64 12 36 073